Thursday, September 10, 2009

Pantai Seri Tujuh, Kelantan Malaysia 吉兰丹 七星海滩

Initially I didn’t plan to go Pantai Seri Tujuh, because when I first planning my Kelantan trip, it seemed too far from Kota Bharu. When we consulted the Malaysia Tourism officers, where can we find those colourful malay fishing boats? As I read from internet, almost everyone who went to Pantai Sabak for the colourful boat , were complaining that site, and saying couldn’t find any boat at that beach.

Well, I could say the tourism officer a bit like demoting tourism instead. He discouraged us to go Pantai Sabak as soon as I asked about it.He said there was having a severe erosion as the government was having some amendment project, so we could hardly find any colourful fishing boat there, and instead enjoying to see only the big stones.

He strongly recommended us to Pantai Seri Tujuh, a famous beach hosting the renown Wau Festival in every year’s May. He said the real Malay-cultured fishing boats can be found there, and it proved what he said was correct !

From Malaysia-Thailand-Pengkalan Kubor, we took the bus to this beach, while the sun was so fiercely outburst, the time was 2pm…

Few minute after alighting from the bus, we were surprise to see a small fish market selling newly caught fishes from the sea. Perhaps 2pm was too late where most of the fishing boat should have come back to the village, thus we didn’t see many wholesaler buying fish.

Mr Sun was too “outgoing”, we suffered from its torture and forced to take s shade and take a coconut to refresh. But I found the hawkers here a bit too passive, they didn’t even ask if I felt thirsty- if they were, I would stop and take their drinks… too bad, none of them did so ..

At last, I chose one with a better location,

Beach hawkers in Kelantan seemed to sell all the similar food-coconut, and fried food, almost the same through out all the stall, and they didn’t even think a way to outstand from the other competitors. Well, maybe we could say they are having “very very positive” thinking where money would come by itself without any effort.

There are some motel-like accommodation here, comprises a large area at the beach. Theoretically, we’re not allowed to enter the compound but there were none guard existed there…actually afterwards I found this motel location wasn’t that good-it located at the joint between the sea and river, and being in the same sea area with the adjacent Malay fishing village, the sea was so dirty.

It’s blissful enough that the tourism officer never bluffed us for promoting Pantai Seri Tujuh.Here we can see the Kelong, where the Kelong size here were even much bigger scale and size than those I saw in Kukup, Johor.

With Malay fishing village sure we could see the colourful fishing boat, and the fisherman was coincidently collecting his net by the beach, asking if we could take his picture, friendly accepted our request.

Pantai Seri Tujuh is very big, and divided into 2 parts. One which is the hosting the famous Wau Festival while the other is sea area connecting to the fishing village.

After I return from Kelantan, I google-earthed on Pantai Seri Tujuh and found there seems to be having a natural boundary protecting the village behind. No wonder I saw the sea area was like with no waving, and the water current was like stagnant without any movement, very dirty.

From the previos-mentioned motel, there was a bridge linking to the beach. Besides connection purpose, I think this bridge serves as the water catchment as well. And the scenery by the water catchment area, was seems like paradise for first sight!

Pantai Seri Tujuh wasn’t that clean, a lot of rubbish was found everywhere on the beach, this is saddening state. Even though it’s better than Pantai Cahaya Bulan, without any sea erosion,but seeing so much rubbish appeared on this beautiful beach, I feel very sorry for it.

And in fact, the Kelantan state government should be responsible for the poor state in Pantai Seri Tujuh. For instance, we couldn’t find any dustbin at the beach area, after we finish eating our Lekor.And we gotta carry along the god damn plastic bag walked for 500meter to look for the nearest rubbish bin!

I assume 50% of lekor buyers do not have the patience to carry the plastic bag, and the beach will be left with these 50% people’s plastic bag!

The sun was too fierce making us no mood to walk along the beach. The beach extend straight to the Malaysia-Thailand border.

The best thing to do under such a hot sun was to buy Lekor, while enjoying the wind breeze. Here you can find the cheapest lekor through out the whole Malaysia- 10pieces for only RM1.

But I have something in doubt- there was not many people coming to the beach during normal weekday, but there were 3 stalls selling the same food and all of them of same pattern- will never come approaching you to ask if you want some food, could we say this is having “very very positive” thinking. What say you?


Bus 43 from Pengkalan Kubor (Malaysia-Thailand border) RM1

Bus 43 from Pantai Seri Tujuh to Kota Bharu RM3.4

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

吉兰丹 七星海滩 Pantai Seri Tujuh, Kelantan, Malaysia

本来我没有打算到七星海滩,因为地图上的它似乎太远了,可是当我们询问旅游局的工作人员,那里可以看到色彩斑斓的马来渔船,因为根据网上的游记,几乎每一个去了Pantai Sabak沙白海滩的游人,都写了不好的评语,都是说找不到该海滩的经过,然后被迫“享受”旅程的意外。

 旅游局的工作人员有点倒米的嫌疑(虽然我喜欢),他一口打断我们想去Pantai Sabak 的念头,说那里面临严重的侵蚀,所以政府正在进行“抢滩行动”,所以我们很难会看到色彩斑斓的渔船,相反地,可能就只看到石头。


我们从马泰边界Pengkalan Kubor,一路来到了这个海滩,时间还是超级烈日当空,下午2时许。

不过一下巴士,走没多久,就眼见一亮,虽然太阳很猛,眼睛亮的很痛。有一个类似Pasar Tani般的小市场,卖着农夫们刚从大海捕回的渔获。也许2点蛮迟了,好像没有热闹的批发商涌着买鱼的。。。。



吉兰丹的海滩小贩卖的东西都大同小异,椰子及炸东西,而且每一摊几乎一样的选择,而他们都没有尝试开口来outstand 其他的竞争者,真的是太豁达了,让钱自己跑进来,自己不需要去争取。好像猫一样。


来到Pantai Seri Tujuh,才由衷庆幸那位在旅游局工作人员没有“仙家”,这里真的可以看到马来渔村,而且是一大群聚集在这里,同时还有Kelong,就是在海上搭起一个浮台,以海水养殖鱼(就好像在龟咯Kukup看到的Kelong般,这里更大型,更多)


这一个Pantai Seri Tujuh海滩很大,分成2部分,一个是每年5月举行吉兰丹风筝节的海滩,一个则是马来渔村那里(海水很肮脏,坐巴士经过看到海水似乎不动的)。事后,我用google map 看一看七星海滩,发觉有一层天然的屏风阻隔这个渔村被南中国海的海浪冲击,所以在屏风后的渔村接近没有海浪的波涌,也造成了水流好像不太流通,超肮脏的。


七星海滩不会干净,蛮多垃圾在海滩上,这是可惜的部分。虽然它比Pantai Cahaya Bulan好多了,至少没有海蚀的现象,可是看到这么好的海滩,堆满了垃圾,还真痛心。

其实,海滩那么肮脏,州政府得要负起很大的责任,因为整个海滩找不到垃圾桶!我们买了Lekor吃,可是我们得提着用完了的塑胶袋到500公尺以外丢弃。 如果5成的人们没有耐性提着垃圾走500公尺,海滩就多这5成游人制造的垃圾了!


最好就是买些吉兰丹著名的Lekor ,一边吹海风,一边叹Lekor,还很便宜呢,马币1元10条,超值的。

只不过我奇怪,平时的七星海滩都没啥人来访,同一个地点却有3摊卖同样的炸香蕉Lekor 等等。而且他们都不会在你走过,主动地问你要不要来一些吃的什么的?有点吃饱卖包的感觉。。。 或者豁达?


巴士43号从Pengkalan Kubor 马泰边界 1马币

巴士43号从七星海滩至哥打巴鲁 3.4马币


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